So pretty and colorful, how can you not love them?

Friday, March 29, 2013

The weather has been crazy here in Arkansas (as I'm told is the norm) so I'm all over the place on my planting and seedlings and such for this year's garden.  I transplanted (potted up) about 50 tomato seedlings tonight.  Tomatoes are rapidly becoming one of my little obsessions.  I have seeds for about 96 varieties of OP tomatoes.  I have planted a few of each of around 26 varieties this year (I think).  Kale is in the ground outside as well as cabbage, kohl rabi, Brussel sprouts (I haven't attempted to eat them since I was small and since Food Network Chefs keeps saying how good they are grilled...)  Broccoli, swiss chard and cauliflower are hardening off as we speak (or as I type). Peas are popping up outside.  Inside several varieties of peppers are doing fairly well under the grow lights.

Tonight's potting up caused me a problem.  The plan was to have the greenhouse done by now, but unfortunately (partially due to that crazy weather I was telling you about) it isn't finished yet.  Since it rained today, I'm thinking it won't be done soon.  Grrr.  This leads to the problem.  I have 2 - 4ft long T5 grow lights for starting my seedlings. (I love them)  Unfortunately, this isn't enough space right now.  I had to put the lights higher from the seedlings than I want (or most likely than I should).  I'm hoping to buy a few days and figure something out.

Coming up: The tomato experiment and info on my plant adoptions